When the thousand of used masks and latex gloves on the floor make you furious


How is the situation in your city/ country?
Puerto Rico has been manageable because our population has always been relatively serious about keeping the pandemic at bay, but the US is a hot mess.

How did the atmosphere in your country change since the pandemic started?
We are festive people and it has been very hard for a lot of us not being able to celebrate certain things. These celebrations are often why we stay connected with friends and family, so that’s been hard for most.

How are you and your family?
We’re ok, in general. My parents got Covid about a month ago and my in-laws got it about 2 weeks ago. They all survived because the strain was the latest one. My wife and I are still unscathed.

What is the biggest challenge for you during the crisis?
Staying active. My exercise regimen has suffered greatly. Staying inside has made me very sedentary.

We are festive people and it has been very hard for a lot of us not being able to celebrate certain things.


When did you realize how serious the situation is?
Within the first two weeks. When we saw people putting up a fight against wearing masks and citing their “rights” we knew we were dealing with idiots who don’t know what the real battles are. We had a lot of tourists from the states pretending they could get into supermarkets and other places without masks and we had to make them understand (the hard way) that that stuff didn’t fly here.

How did your government react to the crisis? Which measures/restrictions were taken first?
Interesting question, we had an interim governor. She followed most of the recommendations from the health board and was surprisingly dilligent. I wish the port of San Juan had been closed off to cruise ships earlier, but they eventually did.

Are you satisfied with the measures of your government? What was good/bad?
They did ok. The problem is their constant need to address the economy and thinking that lifting the mask mandate is going to help. As soon as they did that, we had a spike in the numbers again. But the current version isn’t nearly as deadly as the two prequels, so it’s not terrible.

What would you like to say to your government?
To the Puerto Rican government: good job not politicizing the issue. To the US government (particularly republicans): you had ONE JOB!!! ONE MISERABLE JOB! And you fucked up hard!

Which sentence of a virologist/politician did you memorize the most?
None really. Just thought it was ironic how a lot of the anti-mask people in the states were quoting their civil rights “my body, my choice” yet they’re mostly the same idiots who oppose abortion rights.

The Puerto Rican government did a good job not politicizing the issue.

The Virus

Do you know anybody who was infected with COVID-19 or even died?

Have you already done a Coronavirus test or have you been in quarantine?
I was shooting a film in late 20/early 21. We had to have like three tests a week while in production.

Are you afraid of getting infected with the Coronavirus?
Not anymore, but I’ll avoid it for as long as possible.

We had to have like three tests a week while shooting a film.

The lockdown

How long is/was your lockdown and what was allowed/what wasn´t?
The first lockdown was hard. We were staying in a very small apartment while we waited to get our house. The apartment had no internet or cable. We had to be inside from 19:00 on.

Did you spend the lockdown time with somebody and what did you do during this time?
Yes, my wife. We just hung out and chatted mostly (see previous answer).

Every day at 6:30pm during the lockdown Alfredo´s neighbors played opera, classical music and some oldies. Alfredo and his wife usually sat by the door and waited what mix they had for them. One day they stepped out and danced.

What did you miss the most during the lockdown? What helped you?
Being able to go to restaurants. Zoom meetings with my college friends.

The first lockdown was hard.


How did your work situation change since the pandemic started (shorter hours, working from home, etc.)
Theatre literally died. There was none. Film and TV slowly started picking up after a year.

How did your social life (relationship/friendships/dating) change due to the Corona crisis?
We had recently moved to Puerto Rico from NYC. Literally got here 2 weeks before the pandemic started. So basically, our friends didn’t know we were here for like a whole year because we were burrowed at home.

What impact has the Corona crisis on your financial situation?
My survival job involves essential work. We manufacture rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer. It was nuts. We worked 24/7 for a while.

Social distancing: How does your daily life look like at the moment?
I like the social distancing and got used to it. Now I feel weird if someone I don’t know gets near me.

I like the social distancing and got used to it. Now I feel weird if someone I don´t know gets near me.


Who are to your opinion the heroes of this crisis?
Dr. Fauci, supermarket and restaurant workers and health professionals.

What did the crisis show you?
That meetings could’ve been an email and we don’t all have to be “at” work all the time if the company’s system can be accessed from home through the internet. Also, that I can live in Puerto Rico and audition for stuff in NYC and LA.

What will you appreciate more after the crisis?
Going to the theatre and hanging out with my fellow actors.

Which images will you never forget?
The thousands of used masks and latex gloves all over the floor. Makes me furious. We might survive the pandemic, but not the pollution.

Which stories/incidents/experiences touched/shattered you the most?
The death of a good friend’s husband. The death of another friend’s father.

The thousand of used masks and latex gloves all over the floor make me furious.


What are you afraid of right now?
Politics and how it made progress impossible from the getgo.

What gives you hope?
That most people I care about were very smart about the pandemic and made sure they took care of themselves and the people around them.

Are you planning to travel within the next months?

Would you get yourself vaccinated or have you already been vaccinated against COVID-19?
I’m on the booster already (3rd shot).

What can we all learn from this crisis?
The fact that we have access to information doesn’t mean that people use it.

If you could give 2020 a headline, what would it be?
It’s a dumpster fire, but at least Douchey McFuckstick isn’t president anymore.

Most people I care about were very smart about the pandemic.