Enjoying friendships more than before


How is the situation in your city/ country? Is there a 2nd wave yet?
We are in a strict lockdown since December 15th, which has been extend to February 9th.

How did the atmosphere in your country change within the last months?
I have the feeling especially young people get more depressed and more people are protesting against the lockdown. I think many people have given up to resist and are just waiting for the vaccine.

How are you and your family?
Good, healthy and more together than ever before.

What was the biggest challenge for you within the last months?
I did everything to not get bored. And I think that’s really a luxury, because there isn’t something worse for me right now.

I think many people have given up to resist and are just waiting for the vaccine.


When did you realize how serious the situation is?
In March, when all restaurant and clubs closed down. From 60 hours work in a week, it became 10 hours for me.

How did your government react to the crisis? Which measures/restrictions were taken first?
In all phases a little bit too late, but the restaurants, cafes and clubs were closed soon.

Are you satisfied with the measures of your government? What was good/bad?
Yes, because you can’t do much else. But I find it ridiculous that they are complaining that too many people go out for a walk, because everything else has been made impossible to do.

What would you like to say to your government?
Stay strong, but support our restaurants and events more.

Which sentence of a virologist/politician did you memorize the most?
“We might be done with the virus, but the virus isn’t done with us.”

“We might be done with the virus, but the virus isn’t done with us.”

The Virus

Do you know anybody who was infected with COVID-19 or even died?
A few students and friends in my social groups, but no one had it really bad.

Have you already done a Coronavirus test or have you been in quarantine?
No, luckily enough, I’m not.

Are you afraid of getting infected with the Coronavirus?
Not really, but there is much unknown about the new British variant.

I`m not really afraid of getting infected, but there is much unknown about the new British variant.

The lockdown

How long is/was your lockdown and what was allowed/what wasn´t?
Since 15th December everything is closed except the most essential shops. You can only sport or study alone or in duos.

Did you spend the lockdown time with somebody and what did you do during this time?
I was a lot of time with my parents, brother and sister. We played a lot of games, watched television and had quite a lot of fun.

What did you miss the most during the lockdown? What helped you?
Being in big groups of people, all these social contacts. Investing in my friendships helped me a lot with that.

I miss being in big groups of people, all these social contacts.


How did your work situation change within the last months (shorter hours, working from home, etc.)
I started to do more work as a volunteer. In this way I gain more experience before I start my ‘adult’ job.

How did your social life (relationship/friendships/dating) change due to the Corona crisis?
I enjoy my friendships more than before and learned better to be alone.

What impact has the Corona crisis on your financial situation?
I resist to receive money from the government, so I try to survive with the few projects I do in the month.

Social distancing: How does your daily life look like at the moment?
I am a lot closer with my housemates and spend more time with them. For example: tonight we have our belated Christmas Diner. With them, visiting my parents, the volunteer work and sometimes friends, I don’t get bored.

I enjoy my friendships more than before and learned better to be alone.


Who are to your opinion the heroes of this crisis?
The small entrepreneurs that remained positive and inventive.

What did the crisis show you?
That you can be happy when you are alone, knowing that you have some good friends and family.

What will you appreciate more after the crisis?
Friendships and small meetings with new people.

Which images will you never forget?
The speeches from our Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his interprenter Irma Sluis.

Which stories/incidents/experiences touched/shattered you the most?
The old people in nursing homes that died without seeing anyone anymore.

For me the heroes of the crisis are the small entrepreneurs that remained positive and inventive.


What are you afraid of right now?
That it will take even longer than February 9th for the lockdown to end.

What gives you hope?
That people in my social contacts look after me.

Are you planning to travel within the next months?
I dream of it, but I’m not exactly sure.

Would you get yourself vaccinated against COVID-19??
Yes, I think I should.

What can we all learn from this crisis?
That you must seize the day!

If you could give 2020 a headline, what would it be?
Not what I expected, but I learned a lot.

I´m afraid that it will take even longer than February 9th for the lockdown to end.