Hats off to the government and keeping up the good spirit

Germany, Munich, Olivia, German/Italian, 33, Media Relations Executive, Not married/ No kids


How is the situation in your city/ country? Is there a 2nd wave yet?
We had a couple of months where the virus seemed to be under control in May/June but now numbers seem to rise again. There is not yet a second wave but the assumption that one will come in autumn the latest is self-evident.

How did the atmosphere in your country change within the last months?
During our lockdown, nevertheless people were still allowed to go outside for sport and recreation everything was closed. Since bars, restaurants and shops re-opened by mid/end May the atmosphere has largely normalized and the only restriction is the wearing of the mask and the cancellation of crowded events like concerts.

How are you and your family?
My family and myself in all this are doing fairly well. There has been no case in my family. I have not been out of work, neither has my partner and my dad who owes a bar is working more than before. Also my sisters (one in pharmaceutical industry the other as a nurse) are working and are well off. In our little “cosmos” we do not see any downsides so far apart from uncertainty and fear of what is still to come (fingers crossed).

What was the biggest challenge for you within the last months?
If any it was the fact that tools at work, which (the work) is largely depending on events, had to be reconsidered completely.

In our little “cosmos” we do not see any downsides so far apart from uncertainty and fear of what is still to come.


When did you realize how serious the situation is?
Already at the very beginning when my employer told us on March 16, 2020 that we must not come into the office and will probably have to stay in home office for a longer time with no clear end date (sine now we are in home office).

How did your government react to the crisis? Which measures/restrictions were taken first?
To my understanding quite well. All bars, restaurants and shops had to close and people were not allowed to meet anymore. Not even close family members not living in the same house. At the very beginning it was strictly prohibited to have contact to others and moving outside meant only moving and not laying or sitting down anywhere.

Are you satisfied with the measures of your government? What was good/bad?
As far as I am to judge I feel that decisions have been made wisely in Germany.

What would you like to say to your government?
Hats off! It is a really hard time and taking decisions is not easy. I know that everybody is just trying to do the right thing for socitey and economy.

Which sentence of a virologist/politician did you memorize the most?
“Nehmen Sie es ernst – denn es ist ernst!” – “Take it serious, because it is serios!” This said our cancellor Angela Merkel.

I know that everybody is just trying to do the right thing for society and economy.

The Virus

Do you know anybody who was infected with COVID-19 or even died?
A family friend was infected. He is under 30 years old and coped quite well with the infection. By now he is well off.

Have you already done a Coronavirus test or have you been in quarantine?
I have done a test last week (August 17, 2020). It was negative. I was in delf quarantine after a trip to Austria right at the beginning in mid-March.

Are you afraid of getting infected with the Coronavirus?
Of course I am. This is why I try to be as cautious as I can whenever I am outside, i.e. I wear the mask, I try to keep the distance and I wash and disinfect my hands whenever possible.

I try to be as cautious as I can whenever I am outside.

The lockdown

How long is/was your lockdown and what was allowed/what wasn´t?
The hard lockdown was from March 16 to May 18, 2020. Bars, restaurants and shops where closed. People could only go out to do sports and for recreation or grocery / neccessity shopping. It was not allowed to spend time in one place and sit down at a bench or anywhere else and nobody could meet with anybody – not even family members that do not live in the same house. All meetings of any kind where prohibited and of course large gatherings.

Did you spend the lockdown time with somebody and what did you do during this time?
I spent it with my partner and we tried to keep up a normal lifestyle in the possible framework. We went grocery shopping together, I did a lot of sport inside and outside and together we went for bike rides outside a lot. We spend more money on groceries and cooked nice food.

What did you miss the most during the lockdown? What helped you?
Meeting my family and friends and going out for food, drinks and other social events. We tried to concentrate on good food and creating a nice and cosy atmosphere at home. It helped a lot that in Munich during lookdown the sun was shining often, which kept up the good spirit and allowed us to spend time outside. It also helped a lot that I was not alone as I live with my partner.

We tried to concentrate on good food and creating a nice and cosy atmosphere at home.


How did your work situation change within the last months (shorter hours, working from home, etc.)
I am still working full time from home and no end date of the situation is communicated yet. I am glad we can continue with “normal” life to a large extend. Travel again within Europe, meet friends and family, go to bars and restaurants etc.

How did your social life (relationship/friendships/dating) change due to the Corona crisis?
During the lockdown I caugt up with a lot of people I know all over. The time allowed to do a lot of phone calls. Now life has largely gone back to normal.

What impact has the Corona crisis on your financial situation?
Thank good none as I have always been working full time. I could safe more money than usual.

Social distancing: How does your daily life look like at the moment?
Largly normal just keeping in mind the three golden rules: Distancing, wearing the mask and disinfecting/washing my hands. Other than not going into the office or participating at big events things are fairly normal.

Keeping in mind the three golden rules: Distancing, wearing the mask and disinfecting/washing my hands.


Who are to your opinion the heroes of this crisis?
The nurses and other people who worked during the lookdown (like in the supermarkets) that were exposed to the risk at all times.

What did the crisis show you?
Be aware. Our world can change from one day to the next and do not take “our luxury” for granted.

What will you appreciate more after the crisis?
Being free to move and meet with friends, having a fairly secure job.

Which images will you never forget?
How everyday life changed from one day to the next.

Which stories/incidents/experiences touched/shattered you the most?
The images that reached us amongst others from Italy with thousands of dead people not knowing where to bury them.

Our world can change from one day to the next.


What are you afraid of right now?
Of a second wave and that I will not get away with it this time, i.e. family members might get infected now, my work contract will not be renewed etc.

What gives you hope?
Scientists working on vaccinations, politicians trying to do their best to protect us (with ad hoc decisions whenever numbers rise again).

Are you planning to travel within the next months?
I have a one week holiday planned in South Italy where I will take an airplane.

If they find a vaccine, would you take it?
If enough tests have been made by then, probably yes.

What can we all learn from this crisis?
Do not take things for granted.

If you could give 2020 a headline, what would it be?
Life is fragile – nothing is given.

Do not take things for granted.