New York

Working only with people who are vaxxed and are getting tested

At the moment, it seems like cases are trending up once again, but it’s hard to know because the testing and reporting schema have changed. I’m being very cautious because I do not want to mess around with possibly having “Long Covid.” I’ve been tested at least once a week since testing became widely available, and some weeks I was tested 7-10x a week. The entertainment industry has really been on top of everything. I’m working a lot, but always with people who are getting tested all the time and who are required to be vaxxed. The crisis showed me that Americans are, by and large, selfish. Read more

Missing the feeling of not worrying about a major virus lurking around every corner

In March 2020 it got very scary for us. I was performing standup in NYC and the next day all of the comedians were informed that an audience member had tested positive for Corona virus. My partner ended up getting it late March and it was the scariest time in our lives. My daughter and I never got it. The biggest thing I miss is my Mom and Dad and extended family. They live in NC and I would see them at leat 4 times a year. I have yet to see them since the start of the Pandemic. I also miss the feeling of pre-Covid – not worrying about a major virus lurking around every corner. Read more

When you already got the vaccine and are used to the new normal

It’s gotten so much better with the hope of vaccine. People are optimistic for first time since the outbreak. New York is coming back alive. Restaurants are open and allowing indoor dining at 35 percent capacity. Stores are open. Museums are opening. People are out in the street, eating and drinking together. But due to the crisis my social life changed drastically. I have ten friends I saw from time to time, either at my place or theirs’. But I no longer go out at night with friends. People are either scared, tired or uninterested. Read more

Being a scientist during a pandemic

The crisis showed me how important safety science and science is to all life on earth. I heard a news segment early 2020 where the newscaster said “Listen to the science, let the scientists talk!” And I was like, wait a minute, I’m a scientist. That’s when I started talking to anyone and everyone who would listen, mostly online. I have my Master’s in Health Sciences which includes masks and respirators. I tried my best to communicate what I know to the public. I contacted my state around July 2020 and the Department of Health told me no additional Safety & Health professionals were needed at this time. It was and still is a pandemic. Read more

When the vaccine gives you hope

My biggest challenge has been realizing all the adventures and experiences my son has missed. He has missed his first year of school, playing with his friends, going to parks, the list is endless and equally heartbreaking. I am immune compromised and very fearful of what will happen if I get the virus. I just don’t want to miss seeing my son grow up. Please, please, please get us all vaccinated. This should be the priority. Read more