
When you are scared of how the society is being split

The hardest part was the lockdown which was way too long. The fact that you couldn’t go to the gym or do any fun activity really made me loose the enjoyment of life at some point. For now we don`t need to distance much anymore. So my life is pretty much back to normal – everything is open and bigger group gatherings are allowed. We had bday parties, housewarming parties, weddings etc. But I am scared of how the society is being split and some don`t seem to notice. Read more

Enjoying friendships more than before

The crisis showed me that you can be happy when you are alone, knowing that you have some good friends and family. I enjoy my friendships more than before and learned better to be alone. And I am a lot closer with my housemates and spend more time with them. For example: tonight we have our belated Christmas Diner. With them, visiting my parents, the volunteer work and sometimes friends, I don’t get bored. Read more