
Waiting for the world to open up again

When the pandemic began, I lost my job working for a tour company as well as lost all income for my travel business. The biggest challenge for me was not being able to travel and watching the travel industry, something I have been apart of for over 7 years, collapse around me. It was quite devastating to watch and my career came to a halt. Now, most of my family members are fully vaccinated and we are waiting for the world to open up again! I have a trip planned for Mexico and if the world continues to heal, I will be going! Read more

When regular tests are part of your new work routine

Being in the arts, for me there´s always a lot of time working from home, even in normal conditions. During the crisis, things have slowed, but not vanished, and for that I’ve been incredibly grateful. But working conditions on sets are certainly very much different. With all the protocols, there’s a part of the creative process that has dimmed. Without the same extent spontaneity, things feel a little dulled. But! They remain there, and because of their ability to incorporate testing measures (speaking mainly of film/tv sets), they’ve become one of the safer working environments around. Read more