When regular tests are part of your new work routine


How is the situation in your city/ country? Is there a 2nd wave yet?
The situation in the city has firmly been one of the worst in the country since the onset of the pandemic. A sense of normalcy arrived during the summer, but as soon as the second wave hit, things progressed worse and worse. During the winter months, officials for the province instituted a nightly curfew, in a last ditch effort to try and weaken the spread of new cases.

How did the atmosphere in your country change within the last months?
It’s been frustrating at times. With every step, every progression, there’s been a matched, deeping divide of opinion whether the measures being taken are correct/necessary. I’m simultaneously reminded of a world we could be through collective effort, while the preservation individual experience looms so large in our society’s mind. For the most part, people comply, but it really makes me question where the importance of the ‘collective’ sits in today’s world.

How are you and your family?
Doing well. Despite all that this virus has affected, we’ve been able to manage. Being in the arts, I’m not unfamiliar with periods of unemployment and working from home. It’s kind of my jam. Things have slowed, but not vanished, and for that I’ve been incredibly grateful.

What was the biggest challenge for you within the last months?
I think the biggest challenge, for me, from work to family and friends, is the lack of touch. I’ve always been a very physical person, and it informs so much of how I communicate with my friends and peers. Having this imposed distance on and around everything, has left me feeling a bit numb. That and I haven’t seen my family (who live across the country) in over a year now. The fear is that my mind and body are doing what humans do, adapt; and with that it’s going to make returning to that sensation of being a bit harder to achieve. Maybe dulled in a way. I’m not sure, but the lack of physical connection with those I love has really been a bitter taste of the times.

The lack of physical connection with those I love has really been a bitter taste of the times.


When did you realize how serious the situation is?
Funnily enough, I was in Japan in March 2020. Covid was still considered an epidemic at the time, and though we took precautions, we felt quite safe while in the country. It was really when, globally, things started to shut and borders closed their gates where it all started to sink in. I remember in those days, amongst the introduction of precaution measures and the optimism of our ability to “Flatten the curve” there were also sober reports from some experts who predicted this thing would go on for longer rather than we think. It gave me a sense that these people new something about what was at hand, something that was closer to the truth of what were about to live through. I suppose at the time I just wished quietly to myself that they’d be wrong.

How did your government react to the crisis? Which measures/restrictions were taken first?
The borders were closed, and even inter-regional travel was discouraged. Society was, apart for those businesses/workers that were deemed essential was shut down, but the federal government came up with aid packages for both individuals and businesses who were left with no way to make an income.

Are you satisfied with the measures of your government? What was good/bad?
I am satisfied with the measures taken, especially those concerning the aid that was available. It wasn’t without it’s flaws, but it came quickly, and was adjusted as needed as all of it was coming without precedent. I look at other countries (mainly the big loud below us) and was really thankful that this kind of relief was possible, and was given such a priority as a means of keeping us safe and able to commit to limiting our exposures to others. I know a lot of people have still suffered, lost businesses, livelihoods, housing…… I don’t want this to sound as though I’m sitting in the land of milk and honey without a care. But my situation here is so much more fortunate, and for that, I’m thankful for the system I’m in.

What would you like to say to your government?
Keep working. The job isn’t done. This can still be made better for a lot more people. Keep insisting on the science. Thank you.

Which sentence of a virologist/politician did you memorize the most?
Uggghhhhh the taste still lingers in my mind….. I can’t nail it to a singel phrase, but I think the garbage heap of the previous U.S administration and their constant aversion to the reality of the pandemic is still ringing in my ears. Perhaps Fauci’s face palm if I can take an image rather than a sentence.

When experts predicted this thing would go on for longer rather than we think, I suppose at the time I just wished quietly to myself that they’d be wrong.

The Virus

Do you know anybody who was infected with COVID-19 or even died?
Yes, I’ve had a number of colleagues that have been infected and unfortunately a family member of loved ones who have died.

Have you already done a Coronavirus test or have you been in quarantine?
God…. I’ve been tested maybe eight times now. A part of the safety precautions for my work. You never get used to the feeling haha. Luckily though, no positive tests, so quarantines have been necessary.

Are you afraid of getting infected with the Coronavirus?
Yes and no. I think deep down, I have an understanding for the risks involved for someone of my age, and can reason that should I get infected, the chances of anything serious happening are slim. But that said, there is still a lingering fear for the unknown. What might arrive a few months later? How will my genetic makeup react to having the virus and will I be susceptible to some long term affects. Of course you hear horror scenarios of perfectly healthy people who have had very serious reactions or lingering effects, and it keeps this fear of the unknown alive and well in the back of my mind.

Hearing horror scenarios of perfectly healthy people who have had very serious reactions or lingering effects, keeps this fear of the unknown alive and well in the back of my mind.

The lockdown

How long is/was your lockdown and what was allowed/what wasn´t?
We’re entering our 6th week of and 8 week curfew. Meaning anyone outside of some essential reason, isn’t supposed to be outside on the streets between 8pm and 5am. Funnily enough, exceptions are made for dog walking…… All this has been aimed at limiting gatherings, which have also been under strict control. Both scenarios bring heavy fines. But what if you gather while walking your dogs??

Did you spend the lockdown time with somebody and what did you do during this time?
Luckily, yes. I live with my partner and my god, I can’t imagine being single at this point and time. Sooo many films watched.

What did you miss the most during the lockdown? What helped you?
The ability to pop into a shop somewhere, even for a moment, just for a reason to go outside and get a change of scenery. Being the dead of winter has not made any of this any more fun. In a recent cold spell, I felt as I hadn’t left my apartment in three days! Which was practically true other than a couple of 15 minute errands. With the cold, and no where to actually go; it’s the grocery store, liquour store….. and that’s it really. What’s helped immensely is the fact that there’s a mountain in the middle of this city. This winter has been the winter of cross country skiing.

I spent the lockdown with my partner – I can’t imagine being single at this point and time.


How did your work situation change within the last months (shorter hours, working from home, etc.)
As said, for me theres always a lot of time working from home, even in normal conditions. But working conditions on sets are certainly very much different. With all the protocols, there’s a part of the creative process that has dimmed. Without the same extent spontaneity, things feel a little dulled. But! They remain there, and because of their ability to incorporate testing measures (speaking mainly of film/tv sets), they’ve become one of the safer working environments around.

How did your social life (relationship/friendships/dating) change due to the Corona crisis?
It too has become a bit measured. Seeing friends becomes tough when you’re trying to limit how many people from outside a household are coming inside of it. That, and being limited mostly walks in the park, or converations on the phone or computer, the whole thing can kind of get repetitive. Absence of things like gossip, and recounting of random experiences make that social dynamic a little less, because the question of “So what’s new?” doesn’t really open a conversation up. The saddest thing, is sometimes I find it hard to find the energy to wade into these conversations, like I’d just rather not, than repeat the same thing over and over. That aspect I’m trying to keep at bay.

What impact has the Corona crisis on your financial situation?
Soooooo….. well 2019 was the best year I’ve had to date, and then….. But to be honest, my situation could have been so much worse. I’ve been fortunate enough to keep working to a certain point, a situation which is already hard enough in normal times, and that has kept the bills and rent paid. So miraculously, I’ve been ok.

Social distancing: How does your daily life look like at the moment?
I hold my breath when I pass people in stores and on the street haha. Even when all are masked. It’s this weird tick I’ve developed. Other than that, everything is an exercise in patience. Patience in stores, looking for angles and placements where I can put myself to ensure a bit of distance from those around me. Like some sad dance…

I hold my breath when I pass people in stores and on the street. Even when all are masked. It’s this weird tick I’ve developed.


Who are to your opinion the heroes of this crisis?
Health workers. Can’t say that enough. Good or bad, they’re having to deal with the realities of the virus, and the realities of our decisions/indicisions.

What did the crisis show you?
There will always be a need for some to counter common sense and common good. That common sense is routinely being erroded for a curated reality.

What will you appreciate more after the crisis?
I’ll continue to appreciate those who are working hard to find solutions to this mess. I’ll appreciate them when I can return to moments of closeness with absolute strangers. When those moments are relieved of fear. How that common good is hard to find when the world is isolating within themselves

Which images will you never forget?
Funerals being attended by a select few, similar to a drive-thru service. Skies empty of passenger planes. The first vaccines being loaded onto trucks.

Which stories/incidents/experiences touched/shattered you the most?
Again, people dying alone. Families not granted access to hold a loved one’s hand or speak to them as they pass. The reduction of greenhouse gasses from even just a few months of halted industry.

I’ll continue to appreciate those who are working hard to find solutions to this mess.


What are you afraid of right now?
Vaccine skepticism. I feel as though the sheer marvel that is a vaccine at this level of effectiveness, developed in this quick of time isn’t being highlighted enough for the general public. I’m afraid that our current systemes of segregated information will continue to spread doubt and disincentivise people.

What gives you hope?
That vaccines are due to arrive here, and the majority of society will have access in the coming months.

Are you planning to travel within the next months?
I’d love to. I’d love to go home to my family across the country and not have to wait a period of 14 days for a quarantine. I don’t really care about international travel at the moment. I only want to go home.

Would you get yourself vaccinated against COVID-19??

What can we all learn from this crisis?
We can learn that we are interdependant on one another, than we may like to believe. Our very safety is not only in our hands, but the hands of our collective society. How can we ensure our desires and wants are met, while not making detrimental decisions for those around us? This is, I suppose, the question of our times.

If you could give 2020 a headline, what would it be?
For whom it may concern.

Our very safety is not only in our hands, but the hands of our collective society.